My First Turkey


My older sister usually makes the turkey every Thanksgiving but this year she couldn’t make it because she just gave birth to my nephew so I decided to take on the challenge. I’ve never made turkey in my life and I didn’t have a single clue where to start but I was determined to make a delicious turkey. My sister gave me this helpful recipe by Alton Brown and she also gave me helpful tips along the way. The easiest step was buying everything I needed including the turkey which was 20 lbs. The toughest steps were making candied ginger from scratch and brining the turkey. The entire process took 4 days and it was quite tough cleaning and moving a 20 lb turkey. I was worried about dropping it the entire time and I was so relieved when it was finally on the dining table. Surprisingly, every person at Thanksgiving dinner loved eating the turkey. From this accomplishment, I realized that I can cook anything I am determined to. Keep in mind, I’m a very inexperienced cook but I always try to stay positive and tell myself that it will come out good.